Описание книги
About the product The beginning of a new cycle of Stephen R. Donaldson, the star of modern epic fantasy and recognized “heir to John R.R. Tolkien «. For many centuries, the enmity and war between the kingdoms of Amica and Belleger have lasted. The true reasons for hatred have long been forgotten and the war goes on until the enemy is completely destroyed. A delicate balance is maintained by mages, whose destructive spells «mow down» the enemy armies. Amica’s sorcerers summon the legendary Seventh Execution and rob Belleger of all magic. The kingdom is now defenseless in the face of the eternal enemy. The heir to King Belleger is facing a very dangerous mission — to find the source of the Seventh Execution and use it against Amika … “The new book by Stephen Donaldson is always a cause for celebration. The novel whets the appetite, and I want to read its sequel. » — Terry Brooks «Simply fantastic!» — Booklist Abstract For centuries there has been a war between the kingdoms of Belleger and Amica. Spellcasters on both sides unleash monstrous Executions on their foes, spilling rivers of blood. But one day the Amikan magicians open and invoke the Seventh Execution, which deprives the rest of the spells. Belleger is left unprotected. Prince Bifalt, the eldest son of King Belleger, dreams of a world free of spellcasters. And it was he who was chosen to perform the most difficult task — to find the mythical book depository of magicians and seize the book with the Seventh Execution. Only then will they get rid of the fate that punishes their country. All hope is in Prince Bifalt. The legendary library is located in deadly territories that are not mapped. Prince Bifalt realizes that he has become a pawn in the game of forces, whose power exceeds the limits of imagination …