Описание книги
About the product The second book of the bright blogger and knitting master Anna Kotova, the author of the famous «Knitting Arithmetic» and her own unique system for calculating knitted products, is filled with an amazing author’s experience of creating perfectly fitting clothes for men, women, children, from any yarn, for any size , without bandages and nerves, on pure inspiration. You can knit everything, — says Anna Kotova and confirms this with clear, detailed and visual lessons on creating hats, skirts, cardigans, tops, snoods, gloves and even tights! It is also an interesting story about how knitting changes your whole life, affecting all its aspects. As is customary for the author, many new or difficult moments are accompanied by QR codes that allow you to go directly from the pages of the book to educational video material. Annotation When a conversation about knitting comes up in social networks, you can be sure that it will definitely «drive» to the name of @knittedbird, Anna Kotova. Knitters take pride in participating in her test assignments or projects related to her master classes and boast as a measure of unique knowledge. And those who became the owner of the book «The Arithmetic of Knitting» and studied it from cover to cover, rightfully consider themselves to be real luminaries in knitting, because they are the ones who manage the almost impossible: to knit perfectly fitting things for anyone — for a child, for a husband, on yourself — from any yarn, without selecting the knitting density for a specific model or a purchased master class. And most importantly — without nerves and bandages. Anna Kotova, the brightest name in the world of modern knitting, presents you a new long-awaited book. In which, in addition to the author’s own settlement system, with which many are already familiar, the thought runs through like a red thread: everything can be connected. That’s absolutely everything, no exceptions. Even tights. And this book is also about how knitting is not just a creative hobby, but a whole life. In her, EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED, and family, and work, and creativity, and self-realization. In the new book, Anna again demonstrates to interested readers how in one master class, changing their own dimensions and showing imagination, you can connect an incredible number of unique models. Sweaters, gloves, sundresses, skirts, cardigans, snoods … And yes! Tights! Simple calculations — and the magic of creating unique things will conquer anyone, even those who know how to knit only facial and purl. This one book, and you no longer need master classes from the Internet, or thousands of magazines. You will come up with models yourself, and most importantly — bring them to life with great pleasure! And demonstrate to others with pride. …